What We Believe
The following Statement of Faith summarizes our core beliefs as a church.
For each statement, ask yourself, “Why is this truth important? What difference would it make if it was not true? What does this truth mean for my life and my faith?”

About God
We believe in the only true and living God who exists without beginning or end as Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
God is the creator of all that is known and unknown, and God’s knowledge and Will for all people and all creation is completely wise and good.

About the Bible
We believe God uniquely reveals Godself to us through the Bible. It is entirely trustworthy and is the authoritative guide for Christian living.

About People
We believe that all people are made in God’s image and exist for God’s pleasure. Even though God wants an intimate relationship with each of us, everyone rebels against God, breaks his or her relationship with God, and becomes a slave to sin, which brings spiritual death.

About the Church
We believe that the church, being nurtured and sustained by worship, by the teaching and study of God’s word, and by fellowship together, is commissioned to reach out in Christ-like service and share with all people what God’s purpose is for each of us.

About Salvation
We believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came and lived on this earth. He was tempted in every way, just as we are, but he did not sin. Even so, he willingly took the punishment for our sin, suffering and dying in our place.
On the third day after being crucified, God raised him from the dead, and Jesus is now in heaven where he serves as mediator between God and all believers. Through the Holy Spirit and relying only on God’s grace, people are able to acknowledge and turn from their sin, believe in Jesus Christ as Savior and follow him as Lord.